prompt for and input a saleswoman's sale for the month(in cedi)and her commission rate. (as percentage). Output her commission for the month. Run it with flowchart using raptor

To prompt for and input a saleswoman's sale for the month and her commission rate in cedi, you can use the following steps:

1. Start by displaying a message to prompt the user to enter the saleswoman's sale in cedi.
2. Take input from the user and store it in a variable, let's say "sale".
3. Display another message to prompt the user to enter the commission rate as a percentage.
4. Take input from the user and store it in a variable, let's say "commission_rate".
5. Perform the calculation to calculate the commission amount by dividing the commission rate by 100 and then multiplying it by the sale amount. Store the result in a variable, let's say "commission".
6. Display the commission amount to the user.

Here is the flowchart representation of the above steps using Raptor:

------ -------- ---------
| Start | | Input | | Output |
------ -------- ---------
| | |
v v v
------- -------- ---------
| Prompt | | Input | | Output |
| sale | | sale | | |
------- -------- ---------
| | |
v v v
----- ------ ---------
| Read | | Read | | Calculate |
| sale | |commission rate| | commission |
----- ------ ---------
/ /
| Calculate |
| commission |
| Output |
| commission|
Here is the Raptor code for the given flowchart:


DISPLAY "Enter the saleswoman's sale for the month (in cedi):"
INPUT sale

DISPLAY "Enter the commission rate (as a percentage):"
INPUT commission_rate

SET commission = (sale * commission_rate) / 100

DISPLAY "The commission for the month is: " commission


You can copy this code into Raptor and run it to calculate the commission for the saleswoman based on their sale and commission rate.