WHat names do we give to portion of the earth form (a) our gaseous environment, (b) our liquid environment, and (c) our solid environment.

My answers
a. greenhouse gases
b. ocean
c. land

actually the real answers

1. atmosphere
2. Hydrosphere
3. Lithosphere

a. atmosphere (your answer not all inclusive)

b. water (ocean does not include lakes or rivers)

c. agree

Actually, the names we commonly use to refer to these different portions of the Earth are as follows:

a. The portion of the Earth's atmosphere that consists of gases is known as the atmosphere. It is the layer of air surrounding our planet, composed mainly of nitrogen (about 78%), oxygen (about 21%), and traces of other gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and ozone. The gases in the atmosphere are responsible for various processes such as weather patterns, the greenhouse effect, and protection from harmful solar radiation.

b. The portion of our planet covered by liquid water is referred to as the hydrosphere. It consists of the Earth's oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and even the water vapor in the atmosphere. The hydrosphere is crucial for supporting life on Earth. It plays a vital role in regulating the Earth's climate, maintaining temperature balance, and providing habitats for countless organisms.

c. The solid portion of the Earth's surface, including land masses and geological features, is called the lithosphere. This includes continents, islands, mountains, plateaus, and other landforms. The lithosphere is composed of various types of rocks and minerals. It forms the foundation upon which the hydrosphere and atmosphere interact, and it provides a habitat for terrestrial organisms.

To summarize:
a. Gaseous environment - Atmosphere
b. Liquid environment - Hydrosphere
c. Solid environment - Lithosphere