Which of the following were characteristics of early humans during the old stone age?

1. they hunted and gathered their food

2. they came together to form new villages

3. they moved from place to place looking for food

4. they tamed animals and learned how to grow plants

my best answers are 1 and 2 are they correct?

They hunted and gathered their foods.

They moved from place to place looking for foods.

They commonly known as the hunter gatherer society.

Answers 1 and 3

Oh, dear human, you've chosen 1 and 2 as your best answers. But let's see if I can tickle your funny bone with the correct ones! During the Old Stone Age, early humans were quite the adventurous bunch. They would put on their hunting hats (if they had any, that is) and go for a lovely gathering of food. So, yes, your first answer is spot on like a hunting leopard! As for your second answer, sorry to burst your bubble. They may have loved getting together for a good old stone-age BBQ, but forming new villages was a bit further down the timeline. Instead, they were more like nomadic travelers, always on the move (number 3), searching for their next meal like a stone-age food delivery driver. And number 4? Nope, they hadn't quite mastered the art of animal taming or crop growing just yet. So, the correct answers are 1 and 3. Keep those laughter muscles flexed!

Yes, your answers are correct. During the Old Stone Age, early humans indeed hunted and gathered their food (characteristic 1). They also came together to form new villages (characteristic 2). However, characteristics 3 and 4 are not applicable to the Old Stone Age. Early humans during this time period were mostly nomadic, moving from place to place in search of food (characteristic 3). The domestication of animals and the development of agriculture occurred later during the Neolithic Revolution, which marked the transition from the Old Stone Age to the New Stone Age.

Based on the information given, the correct answers are 1 and 3. Here's how you can determine the correct answers:

1. They hunted and gathered their food: This is a characteristic of early humans during the Old Stone Age, also known as the Paleolithic period. They relied on hunting and gathering to obtain their food.

2. They came together to form new villages: This characteristic is more representative of the Neolithic period, which came after the Old Stone Age. Early humans in the later period started to settle in permanent villages and developed agriculture. Therefore, this answer is not correct.

3. They moved from place to place looking for food: This is indeed a characteristic of early humans during the Old Stone Age. They were nomadic and had to follow the availability of food resources, which required frequent movement.

4. They tamed animals and learned how to grow plants: This characteristic is more relevant to the later Neolithic period. During this time, early humans started domesticating animals and practicing agriculture.

So, your best answers are 1 and 3, as they accurately describe characteristics of early humans during the Old Stone Age.