Ed's new pickup cost $3000 down and $265 per month for 6 years. What is its total price?

3000 + (265 * 12 * 6) = $_________

To find the total price of Ed's new pickup, we need to calculate the sum of the down payment and the total monthly payments over 6 years.

First, let's calculate the total monthly payments over 6 years. Ed pays $265 per month for 6 years, which is a total of $265 * 12 months/year * 6 years = $15,120.

Next, add the down payment of $3000 to the total monthly payments of $15,120 to find the total price:

$3000 (down payment) + $15,120 (total monthly payments) = $18,120.

Therefore, the total price of Ed's new pickup is $18,120.