What is the answer to this problem:5+2(6-3)


7 * 3 = 21


= 5 + 2(3)
= 5 + 6
= 11

or, using the distributive property

= 5 + 12 - 6
= 11

To solve the problem 5 + 2(6-3), you need to follow the order of operations, which is also known as the PEMDAS rule:

P - Parentheses
E - Exponents
M/D - Multiplication/Division
A/S - Addition/Subtraction

In the given expression, there are parentheses involved. Hence, the first step is to simplify the expression within the parentheses.

6 - 3 = 3

Now, replace the expression within the parentheses with its simplified value:

5 + 2(3)

Next, perform the multiplication:

2 * 3 = 6

Now, replace the multiplication expression with its value:

5 + 6

Finally, perform the addition:

5 + 6 = 11

Therefore, the answer to the problem 5 + 2(6-3) is 11.