Find the volume of a cube, one face of which has an area of 81 m square.

The square root of 81 = 9

V = 9^3


To find the volume of a cube, we need to know the length of its side.

In this case, we are given that one face of the cube has an area of 81 m².

The area of a face of a cube is equal to the side length squared. So, we can calculate the length of the side by taking the square root of the given area.

√81 = 9

Therefore, the length of one side of the cube is 9 meters.

Since all sides of a cube are equal in length, we can determine the volume by simply cubing the length of any one side.

Volume = side length³ = 9³ = 729 m³

So, the volume of the cube is 729 cubic meters.