In connections academy is a quick check count as a sample work? just curious

We have no idea. A Connections teacher is the best source of this information.

I tried calling one but they won't answer

I Googled your question and found this.

In Connections Academy, a Quick Check typically serves as a formative assessment to check your understanding of a particular lesson or topic. It is not typically considered as a sample work, but rather as a tool for both you and your instructor to gauge your comprehension and identify any areas that may require further instruction.

To provide a sample work in Connections Academy, you may be asked to complete assignments, projects, or assessments that demonstrate your understanding of the material covered in a unit or lesson. These sample works are usually more comprehensive and may require you to apply what you have learned in a more in-depth manner.

If you have specific questions or concerns about what is considered a sample work in a specific course or assignment, it is best to consult your instructor or the course syllabus for clarification. They can provide you with specific guidelines or requirements regarding sample works in your Connections Academy coursework.