I fixed up my research paper and I'd love it if someone could look through it and tell me what they think. Thank you!

The majority of people would agree that fossils have been one of the most important parts of our society. They are used to fuel many of our transportation vehicles, allowing us easy traveling. They are used to heat our homes and, as a matter of a fact, fossil fuels are also used in many common products that we all use in our daily lives, like toothpaste. Fossil fuels are the most important source of energy to humans. At this point in time, we are using fuels that were around for around 300 years, from back when dinosaurs existed. As fossils are a nonrenewable resource, it is possible that we may run out of fossil fuel one day and it is crucial that we find alternative sources.
Our major forms of fossil fuels are coal, oil, and natural gas. Coal is a solid which is formed by years after years of land vegetation and decay. Deposits turn to coal after getting heated and compacted. Oil is a liquid that forms on the seafloor when remains of marine microorganisms are deposited. Natural gas is a gaseous fossil fuel that is considered to be the cleanest and healthiest option of fossils fuels out of the two others. Natural gas is formed similarly to oil, from the remains of marine microorganisms. One of the major ways that the use of fossil fuels could decrease is to change up the construction of one of the utmost sources of air pollution: automobiles.
Nuclear fusion may be a good alternative renewable source that would reduce the dependence on fossil fuels. Fusion pertains to the extraction of hydrogen from water and the combination of two hydrogen atoms to form helium. Finding alternative fuel sources would help a lot with decreasing the pollution and also allows the emission of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, particulate matter, and sulfur dioxide to decrease. Hydrogen is another possible source of an alternative fossil. Hydrogen can be a good substitute for natural gas. Most schemes for generating hydrogen are based on the splitting of water using solar energy directly. Energy plants are the last possible source. Active improvements in bioengineering may provide the basis for enhancing the efficiency or redirecting the end products of photosynthetic processes to produce commercial fuels such as hydrogen. (Raum p. 9)
There are many factors that release greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, but the burning of the fossils fuels is regarded as one of the largest factors. Air pollution, water pollution, and growth of solid wastes are some of the harmful outcomes that are caused by converting fossil fuels to energy. Nitrous oxide is a result of burning coal and is kept up in the atmosphere for a long time. The harmful impact of all these chemicals may take hundreds of years to make itself known. Converting fossil fuels may cause the buildup of solid waste, and increases the toxic runoff that is able to poison surface and groundwater sources.
There are many innovations that are being explored and implemented to help reduce the use of fossil fuels. For instance, concepts for combining end uses and supply generation facilities to better utilize waste heat are already being employed. This includes things like the cogeneration of steam, electricity, and district heating. The use of nuclear energy to generate coal gasification may be a future combination. These innovations could be the solution to decreasing the use of fossil fuels in our society.
There are both pros and cons to many alternative fuel sources. One advantage of wind energy is that it’s completely natural and clean and renewable, but one con is that people see wind farms as an eyesore. The pros of geothermal energy are that it’s clean and safe. The cons of geothermal are that it may cause aftershock earthquakes and cause damage that may take hundreds of years to recover. The pros for solar energy are that the sun is totally free and it doesn’t harm the environment at all. The cons of solar energy are that not every location gets the required amount of sunlight and the prices can be high. The bottom line is that every alternative fuel has its pros and cons, so even if they’re not perfect, they can still be used. (Solway, p. 10)
In conclusion, fossil fuels are humanity's most important source of energy. They are nonrenewable sources, meaning once we use up all of our fossil fuels, there are no more. Finding alternative sources is not only important to help us keep our society going, but also to help us survive.

I have great difficulty seeing this as a "research" paper. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/658/02/

Given that, if << As fossils are a nonrenewable resource, it is possible that we may run out of fossil fuel one day and it is crucial that we find alternative sources>> is your thesis, your restatement in the conclusion waters "crucial" down to "important...to help us survive" . That to me is a bit wishy-washy.
You did not to me examine the environmental or biological impacts of fossil fuels, global climate change was not even mentioned, nor air, water pollution. Those it seems to me to be important to what the teacher told you to do in your research paper, if I remember, Go back and check instructors statement.

I really appreciate you looking through my paper!

How do you think I could make this paper seem more like a research paper?
I changed up my thesis in the conclusion from "important" to "crucial"
I added in climate change, but I mentioned air and water pollution " Air pollution, water pollution, and growth of solid wastes are some of the harmful outcomes that are caused by converting fossil fuels to energy"

Which sources have you researched?

Your paper is woefully short at 759 words.


College level research papers are typically 2,500 to 3,000 words long.

These sites will give you many suggestions for writing research papers.


It's great that you've taken the time to fix up your research paper! If you would like someone to look through it and provide feedback, there are a few options you can consider:

1. Peer Review: You can approach a classmate, friend, or colleague who is knowledgeable about the subject matter of your research paper. They can review your paper and provide their thoughts and feedback.

2. Academic Writing Centers: Many universities and colleges have writing centers that offer free tutoring and feedback on research papers. You can schedule an appointment with a tutor at the writing center who can go through your paper with you and provide constructive criticism.

3. Online Writing Communities: There are several online communities and forums where you can post your research paper and ask for feedback. These communities are often comprised of writers and researchers who can provide valuable insights.

When asking for feedback, it's important to be specific about what you would like the reviewers to focus on. For example, you can ask them to look for any grammatical errors, assess the flow and coherence of your arguments, or provide suggestions for further improvement. Good luck with your research paper!