A sum of money is divided among 3 persons X, Y and Z, in the ratio 10:7:5 , if Y gets raise 140 more than Z , how much will X get?

To find out how much X will get, we need to calculate the total amount of money first.

Let's assume the total amount of money is 'M'.

According to the given ratio, the share of X is 10/22 of the total amount, the share of Y is 7/22 of the total amount, and the share of Z is 5/22 of the total amount.

We are also given that Y gets a raise of 140 more than Z. So, we can set up the equation:

(7/22)M - (5/22)M = 140
(2/22)M = 140

Now, we can solve for M:

M = (140 * 22) / 2
M = 1540

Now, we can find out how much X will get:

X's share = (10/22) * 1540
X's share = 700

Therefore, X will get 700 units of money.

To find out how much X will get, we first need to determine the total amount of money being divided among X, Y, and Z.

Let's assume the total sum of money is represented by the variable 'T'.

According to the given ratio, the share of X is 10 units, Y is 7 units, and Z is 5 units. The sum of these units is 10 + 7 + 5 = 22.

Now, let's find the value of each unit. We have:

1 unit = T/22

Next, we know that Y gets a raise of 140 more than Z. Since the ratio of their shares is 7:5, the raise is distributed in the same ratio.

The difference in the number of units received by Y and Z is 7 - 5 = 2 units.

According to the given information, this difference is equal to 140. Therefore, we can calculate the value of 1 unit as follows:

2 units = 140
1 unit = 140 / 2
1 unit = 70

Now that we know the value of 1 unit (70), we can find the share of X:

X's share = 10 units * 1 unit value
X's share = 10 * 70
X's share = 700

Therefore, X will get 700 units of money.

amount for X ---- 10x

amount for Y ---- 7x
amount for Z ---- 5x

7x - 5x = 140

carry on