a certain brand of paint consists of water and paint concentrate. Each gallon of paint contains 1/4 part water. How much concentrate would be needed to produce 3 gallons of this paint.

9/4= 2 1/4??

is this correct^^. If not how do you do it?

Yes, correct.

Thank you

You're welcome.

To find out how much concentrate would be needed to produce 3 gallons of this paint, we need to determine the ratio of concentrate to water in one gallon of paint.

Given that each gallon of paint contains 1/4 part water, we can calculate the amount of concentrate in one gallon of paint as follows:
Concentrate = 1 - Water
Concentrate = 1 - 1/4
Concentrate = 3/4

So, in one gallon of paint, 3/4 of the content is concentrate, and 1/4 is water.

To find out how much concentrate is needed for 3 gallons of this paint, we multiply the concentrate ratio by the number of gallons:
Concentrate needed = Concentrate per gallon * Number of gallons
Concentrate needed = (3/4) * 3
Concentrate needed = 9/4

Therefore, the correct answer is 9/4 (or equivalently, 2 1/4). So, your calculation is indeed correct.