Identify the tenses that are used in THIS sentence.

76. The owners must have installed the equipment 20 years ago.
A: Present perfect in the passive voice
B: Past tense with a modal
C: Present continuous with a modal.
D: Future perfect in the passive voice
Answer: D

D is incorrect. There is nothing future about the verb in sentence D.

Again, please define "modal" for us.

To identify the tenses used in the sentence "The owners must have installed the equipment 20 years ago," we need to analyze the structure and the verb forms used.

The sentence starts with the subject "The owners" followed by the modal verb "must." The modal verb "must" indicates certainty or obligation.

Next, we have the verb phrase "have installed." The main verb "installed" is in the past participle form, indicating a completed action. The auxiliary verb "have" is in the present tense, used in combination with the past participle to form the present perfect tense.

Lastly, we have the time reference "20 years ago," indicating a past time frame.

Based on this analysis, we can determine that the tenses used in the sentence are:
- Present perfect (have installed)
- Past tense with a modal (must have installed)

Looking at the provided options, the correct answer would be B: Past tense with a modal.