Ernie walks 1/6 mile in 1/12 hour when he walks along the river trail. How many miles does Ernie walk when he hikes on the trail

"How many miles does Ernie walk when he hikes on the trail"

You just stated he walked 1/6 mile

Did you mean, how many miles does Ernie walk per hour when he hikes on the trail?

rate = distance / time
= (1/6) / (1/12)
= 2

To determine the distance Ernie walks when he hikes on the trail, we can use the information given about his walking speed along the river trail.

We are told that Ernie walks 1/6 mile in 1/12 hour. To find the distance he walks when he hikes on the trail, we need to know the amount of time he spends on the hike.

Let's assume Ernie spends 't' hours hiking on the trail. Since we know the relationship between distance, speed, and time is given by the formula:

Distance = Speed x Time

We can use this formula to find the distance Ernie walks on the trail:

Distance on the trail = Speed x Time on the trail

Given that Ernie walks 1/6 mile in 1/12 hour, we can see that his walking speed is:

Speed = Distance / Time = (1/6 mile) / (1/12 hour)

To divide by a fraction, we can multiply by its reciprocal:

Speed = (1/6 mile) * (12/1 hour) = 1/2 mile per hour

Now that we know Ernie's walking speed on the trail is 1/2 mile per hour, we can use this speed and the time he spends hiking (t hours) to find the distance he walks:

Distance on the trail = Speed x Time on the trail = (1/2 mile per hour) * t hours

So, the distance Ernie walks when he hikes on the trail is given by the equation:

Distance on the trail = (1/2) * t miles

To find the exact value of the distance, we need to know the value of 't'.