A car can cover a distance of 540 km on 18 liters of petrol. How far can it travel on 16 liters of petrol?

A car can travel 3936 km on 72 litres of petrol. Find the volume of petrol that will be used if the car travels a distance of 4264 km?

540 / 18 = 30 km per liter

30 * 16 = ? km


To find out how far the car can travel on 16 liters of petrol, we can use the concept of proportions.

We know that the car can cover a distance of 540 km on 18 liters of petrol. Let's set up the proportion:

Distance covered / Amount of petrol = Distance covered / Amount of petrol

For the given situation, we can set it up as:

540 km / 18 liters = x km / 16 liters

Now, we can solve for x:

(540 km * 16 liters) / 18 liters = x km

To calculate this, we multiply 540 km by 16 liters and then divide by 18 liters.

Therefore, on 16 liters of petrol, the car can travel approximately 480 km.