Why is polo called the king of games

Because polo was very popular sport and was played by kings and royalty.

It's often referred to as the "game of kings," not the king of games!


"Polo" is often referred to as the "king of games" due to its rich history, prestigious reputation, and the qualities it embodies. The name "polo" itself is derived from the Tibetan word "pulu," meaning "ball," and the sport originated in Central Asia, specifically in modern-day Iran and China. Here's how you can understand why it's referred to as the king of games:

1. Historical significance: Polo has a long history dating back over 2,500 years, making it one of the oldest team sports in the world. It was originally played as a training exercise for cavalry units in ancient Persia and was later embraced by various civilizations, including the Mongols and British Empire.

2. Royal association: Polo has been historically linked to royalty, as it was often played by aristocrats and nobles. The sport gained popularity among kings, emperors, and rulers, who considered it not only as a recreational pursuit but also a symbol of power, wealth, and prestige. This association with the upper classes earned it the nickname "the king of games."

3. Skill and athleticism: Polo requires a high level of skill, discipline, and physical prowess. Players must display exceptional horsemanship, strategic thinking, and coordination between horse and rider. Additionally, the game's fast-paced nature, the need for accurate ball control, and the ability to anticipate and react quickly make it a challenging and captivating sport to watch and play.

4. International recognition: Polo has gained widespread popularity worldwide, with international competitions, such as the Polo World Cup and the Federation of International Polo, attracting top players and teams from various countries. The game has a global appeal, further solidifying its regal status and contributing to its reputation as the "king of games."

To fully grasp the significance and understand why polo is referred to as the king of games, it is recommended to explore its historical origins, witness professional matches or tournaments, and appreciate the craftsmanship and athletic excellence displayed by the polo players on and off the field.