If a car travel 204km in 9/4hours how far it go in 1 hours

4/9 x 9/4=14

4/9 x 204=?

204 / (9/4)

That should say "4/9 x 9/4=1"

To find out how far the car travels in 1 hour, we can calculate the average speed by dividing the distance the car travels by the time it takes.

Distance = 204 km
Time = 9/4 hours

To calculate the average speed, divide the distance by the time:
Average Speed = Distance / Time

Plugging in the given values:
Average Speed = 204 km / (9/4) hours

When dividing by a fraction, we multiply by its reciprocal:
Average Speed = 204 km * (4/9) hours

Calculating this expression:
Average Speed = (204 km * 4) / 9 hours

Average Speed = 816 km / 9 hours

Therefore, the car would travel approximately 90.67 km in 1 hour.