Which of the following ions possess a dipole moment?

(a) ClF2+
has a dipole moment
has no dipole moment
cannot be determined
(b) ClF2−
has a dipole moment
has no dipole moment
cannot be determined
(c) IF4+
has a dipole moment
has no dipole moment
cannot be determined
(d) IF4−
has a dipole moment
has no dipole moment
cannot be determined

Can someone explain how to know what has a dipole moment after drawing the structure? I understand that the more electronegative the atom is where the dipole points to but what effect does the ionic compound charges have on whether it has a dipole moment? Thanks


The charge of the ionic compound does not affect whether it has a dipole moment. The dipole moment is determined by the difference in electronegativity between the atoms in the compound. If the difference in electronegativity is greater than 0.4, then the compound will have a dipole moment. For example, in ClF2+, the difference in electronegativity between chlorine and fluorine is greater than 0.4, so it has a dipole moment. On the other hand, in IF4+, the difference in electronegativity between iodine and fluorine is less than 0.4, so it does not have a dipole moment.

To determine whether an ion possesses a dipole moment after drawing the structure, you need to consider both the polarity of the individual bonds within the ion and the overall molecular geometry.

In general, a molecule or ion will have a dipole moment if the individual bond dipoles do not cancel each other out. This can happen if the molecule or ion has a net uneven distribution of charge due to differences in electronegativity between the atoms.

Taking each ion into consideration:

(a) ClF2+: In this case, the central atom is Cl, and it is surrounded by two F atoms and one extra proton (+). The dipole moment in this ion is determined by the polarity of the Cl-F bonds. Since Cl is more electronegative than F, there is a partial negative charge on F atoms and a partial positive charge on the Cl atom. This leads to an overall dipole moment in the ion.

(b) ClF2−: Similarly, the central atom is Cl, but in this case, there is an extra electron (-) instead of an extra proton. The dipole moment is again determined by the Cl-F bonds. With Cl being more electronegative, there is a partial negative charge on the Cl atom and a partial positive charge on the F atoms. As a result, there is an overall dipole moment in the ion.

(c) IF4+: Here, the central atom is I, surrounded by four F atoms and one extra proton (+). The dipole moment is influenced by the polarity of the I-F bonds. As I is more electronegative than F, the F atoms will have a partial negative charge, and the I atom will have a partial positive charge. Therefore, this ion possesses an overall dipole moment.

(d) IF4−: In this case, the central atom is I, and there is an extra electron (-). The dipole moment depends on the polarity of the I-F bonds. Since I is more electronegative than F, there will be a partial negative charge on the F atoms and a partial positive charge on the I atom. As a result, this ion possesses an overall dipole moment.

In summary, all of the given ions (ClF2+, ClF2−, IF4+, and IF4−) possess a dipole moment because there is an uneven distribution of charge due to electronegativity differences. The presence of the charges associated with the ions does not affect whether or not they have a dipole moment.

To determine whether an ion possesses a dipole moment, you need to consider the molecular geometry of the ion as well as the distribution of charges within the ion.

The dipole moment is a measure of the overall polarity of a molecule or ion and is defined as the product of the magnitude of the charge (Q) and the distance between the charges (d). In other words, a molecule or ion with a dipole moment has a separation of positive and negative charges.

Here are the steps to determine whether an ion possesses a dipole moment:

1. Draw the Lewis structure of the ion: To determine the molecular geometry of an ion, you need to draw the Lewis structure, which shows the arrangement of atoms and lone pairs.

2. Determine the overall geometry: Use the VSEPR (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion) theory to determine the overall geometry based on the number of bonding and lone pairs around the central atom. This will help you determine the geometry as linear, trigonal planar, tetrahedral, etc.

3. Determine the polarity of the bonds: Consider the electronegativity difference between the atoms in the ion. If there is a significant electronegativity difference, then the bond is considered polar, with a partial positive and partial negative charge on the atoms involved. The more electronegative atom will have a partial negative charge, and the less electronegative atom will have a partial positive charge.

4. Determine the net dipole moment: Once you have determined the polarity of the bonds, you need to consider the molecular geometry and the distribution of the charges to determine the net dipole moment. If the polar bonds are symmetrically arranged in the molecule or ion, then the dipole moments cancel each other out, resulting in a nonpolar molecule or ion. However, if the polar bonds are not arranged symmetrically, then the dipole moments do not cancel out, resulting in a polar molecule or ion with a net dipole moment.

Applying these steps to the given options:

(a) ClF2+: The Lewis structure of ClF2+ would have a linear geometry with a positive charge on the central Cl atom. Since the molecule is linear and the polar bonds are arranged symmetrically, the dipole moments cancel each other out, resulting in no net dipole moment. Therefore, option (a) has no dipole moment.

(b) ClF2-: The Lewis structure of ClF2- would also have a linear geometry, but this time with a negative charge on the central Cl atom. Similar to option (a), the polar bonds are arranged symmetrically, and the dipole moments cancel each other out. Therefore, option (b) has no dipole moment.

(c) IF4+: The Lewis structure of IF4+ would have a square planar geometry with a positive charge on the central I atom. The polar bonds between I and F atoms are arranged asymmetrically in a square planar geometry. Therefore, the dipole moments do not cancel out, resulting in a net dipole moment. Option (c) has a dipole moment.

(d) IF4-: The Lewis structure of IF4- would also have a square planar geometry, but this time with a negative charge on the central I atom. Similar to option (c), the polar bonds between I and F atoms are arranged asymmetrically in a square planar geometry, resulting in a net dipole moment. Option (d) has a dipole moment.

In summary, options (c) and (d) both possess a dipole moment, while options (a) and (b) do not have a dipole moment.

Remember that the presence of charge in ionic compounds does not directly affect whether an ion possesses a dipole moment. The dipole moment depends on the arrangement of polar bonds and the resulting molecular geometry. The charges on the ions help determine the overall charge distribution within the structure, but they do not determine the dipole moment directly.