3/200 of the number of people in maweni village are men and 59/200 if that village has 1080 children howmany men are in that village?

X = Total population.

(3/200)x + (59/200)x + 1080 = X.
X = ?.
Divide both sides by X and add the fractions.

59/200 are women.

To find the number of men in the village, we first need to determine the total number of people in the village.

Given that 59/200 of the village consists of children, we can calculate the total number of people in the village by finding the reciprocal of the fraction (200/59) and multiplying it by the number of children.

Total number of people in the village = (200/59) * 1080

To determine the number of men in the village, we need to calculate 3/200 of the total number of people in the village.

Number of men in the village = (3/200) * (Total number of people in the village)

We can now substitute the calculated value of the total number of people in the village:

Number of men in the village = (3/200) * ((200/59) * 1080)

Simplifying the equation:

Number of men = (3 * 1080) / 59

Now we can determine the number of men in Maweni village by evaluating the equation:

Number of men = 3240 / 59 ≈ 54.91

Therefore, there are approximately 54.91 men in Maweni village.