If you wrote down at all whole numbers from 1 to 1000...


...which digit would appear the least?

I would go with 0

me 0 to

or 1

To determine which digit appears the least when writing down all whole numbers from 1 to 1000, we need to analyze the frequency of each digit across all the numbers.

To approach this problem, we can break it down into individual digits (0-9) and count how many times each digit appears. Here's the step-by-step process:

1. Initialize an array or a dictionary to store the count of each digit from 0 to 9.
2. Start a loop from 1 to 1000 (inclusive) to iterate through each number.
3. Within the loop, convert the current number to a string to access each individual digit.
4. Iterate through each digit in the current number.
5. Increment the count for the corresponding digit in the storage array or dictionary.
6. After the loop completes, find the minimum count among all the digits.
7. Identify the digit(s) that have the minimum count.

Using this approach, we can find out which digit appears the least in the range from 1 to 1000.