The score of Ragini in mathematic is 23 more than two third of a score in English if he score X marks in English what is her score in mathematics?

Math Score = M

English Score = X

Maths Score = 23 more than (2/3)*X
M = (2/3)*X + 23

23+2/3 of x

To find Ragini's score in mathematics, we need to determine two-thirds of her score in English and then add 23.

Step 1: Calculate two-thirds of X (score in English)
Two-thirds of X = (2/3) * X

Step 2: Add 23 to the result from step 1
Score in mathematics = (2/3) * X + 23

Therefore, Ragini's score in mathematics is (2/3)X + 23.

To find Ragini's score in mathematics, we need to calculate two-thirds of Ragini's score in English and then add 23 to it.

Let's break down the problem step by step:

1. Start with Ragini's score in English, which is represented by X.
2. Calculate two-thirds of X by multiplying X by 2/3: (2/3) * X.
3. Add 23 to the result obtained from step 2 to get Ragini's score in mathematics: (2/3) * X + 23.

Therefore, Ragini's score in mathematics, given a score of X in English, is (2/3) * X + 23.