Macy's Department Stores markup men's cologne 63% on cost for an 8-ounce bottle. A bottle of cologne costs Macy's $23.00. What is the selling price for the 8-ounce bottle?


163% of 23=1.63 x 23

To calculate the selling price of the 8-ounce bottle, we need to add the markup to the cost:

Markup = 63% of $23.00 = 0.63 * $23.00 = $14.49

Selling Price = Cost + Markup = $23.00 + $14.49 = $37.49

Therefore, the selling price for the 8-ounce bottle is $37.49.

To find the selling price for the 8-ounce bottle of cologne at Macy's, we need to calculate the markup amount and add it to the cost price.

First, let's find the markup amount. The markup is given as 63% of the cost. So, we can calculate it by multiplying the cost by 63%:

Markup amount = Cost price * Markup percentage
= $23.00 * 63%
= $23.00 * (63/100)
= $14.49

Next, we add the markup amount to the cost price to find the selling price:

Selling price = Cost price + Markup amount
= $23.00 + $14.49
= $37.49

Therefore, the selling price for the 8-ounce bottle of cologne at Macy's is $37.49.