How many minutes are there between 11:40 night and 8:10 morning?

please help me out

11:40 to 12:40 = 1 hr

12:40 to 7:40 = 7 hrs
7:40 to 8:10 = 1/2 hr

how if a peson will start to count from 8:10 morning to 11:40 night

Do it the same way.

8:10 to 12:10 = ?

To find the number of minutes between 11:40 PM and 8:10 AM, you need to determine the total number of minutes for each time and then calculate the difference between them.

To find the total number of minutes for 11:40 PM, first, convert it to a 24-hour format. Since 11:40 PM is 23:40 in the 24-hour clock, you multiply 23 (hours) by 60 (minutes in an hour) and then add 40. This gives you a total of 710 minutes.

Next, find the total number of minutes for 8:10 AM. Convert 8:10 AM to a 24-hour format. Since 8:10 AM is 8:10 in the 24-hour clock, you multiply 8 (hours) by 60 (minutes in an hour) and then add 10. This gives you a total of 490 minutes.

Finally, subtract the total minutes of 8:10 AM (490 minutes) from the total minutes of 11:40 PM (710 minutes). The difference is 710 - 490 = 220 minutes.

Therefore, there are 220 minutes between 11:40 PM and 8:10 AM.