A preschool class is asked to come up with ways to reorganize their toys because a few of the bins are overflowing. The class sits together and offers suggestions and ideas and then puts their plan into action. All the children help to organize the toys and have a sense of pride in what they have accomplished together. This is an example of:

A. inquiry and problem-based learning groups.

B. investigative play.

C. debriefing.

D. replay.


Yes. A.

Yes, that's correct! This scenario is an example of inquiry and problem-based learning groups. The preschool class is actively engaged in identifying a problem (the overflowing toy bins) and brainstorming solutions together. They then put their plan into action and have a sense of pride in their accomplishment.

To determine the correct answer, we can break down the given scenario and analyze each option:

A. Inquiry and problem-based learning groups: This option refers to a teaching and learning approach where students actively explore real-world problems and find solutions through inquiry. While the preschool class is engaged in problem-solving (reorganizing the toys), it is not clear from the scenario whether this activity was part of a structured inquiry-based learning group. So, option A may not be the best answer.

B. Investigative play: Investigative play involves children actively exploring and experimenting with materials or situations. In this scenario, the preschool class is engaged in exploring ways to reorganize their toys, which aligns with the concept of investigative play. Thus, option B could be a viable answer.

C. Debriefing: Debriefing typically refers to a discussion or reflection that takes place after an activity or experience. It allows participants to share their thoughts, feelings, and insights. Although the preschool class worked together to organize the toys, the scenario does not mention any specific debriefing session. Therefore, option C may not be the most accurate answer.

D. Replay: Replay is an activity where children recreate and reenact experiences, events, or situations using imaginative or symbolic play. While the preschool class did participate in reorganizing the toys, there is no indication that they later replayed the experience. Hence, option D is unlikely to be the correct answer.

Considering the above analysis, the most suitable answer appears to be B. Investigative play. This option aligns with the fact that the preschool class actively explored and brainstormed ideas to reorganize their overflowing toy bins.