find six rational number b/w 3/8and-1/2

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why you have any problem?please solve my problem

It appears you are answer grazing, value.

To find six rational numbers between 3/8 and -1/2, we need to determine the common difference between these numbers and then add or subtract this difference to obtain the desired numbers.

First, let's find the common difference by subtracting -1/2 from 3/8:
3/8 - (-1/2) = 3/8 + 1/2 = 3/8 + 4/8 = 7/8

The common difference is 7/8. Now we can find the other rational numbers between 3/8 and -1/2.

Starting with the number 3/8, we can add (or subtract) multiples of 7/8 to generate the remaining five rational numbers.

First Rational Number:
3/8 + 7/8 = (3 + 7)/8 = 10/8 = 5/4

Second Rational Number:
5/4 + 7/8 = (10 + 7)/8 = 17/8

Third Rational Number:
17/8 + 7/8 = (17 + 7)/8 = 24/8 = 3/1 = 3

Fourth Rational Number:
3 - 7/8 = (24/8) - (7/8) = (24 - 7)/8 = 17/8

Fifth Rational Number:
17/8 - 7/8 = (17 - 7)/8 = 10/8 = 5/4

Sixth Rational Number:
5/4 - 7/8 = (10/8) - (7/8) = (10 - 7)/8 = 3/8

So, the six rational numbers between 3/8 and -1/2 are:
5/4, 17/8, 3, 17/8, 5/4, and 3/8.