A mouse that eats grass is called a ......

second level consmer

To find the name of a mouse that eats grass, you can search for the information using search engines or reliable sources related to animals or rodents. You can follow these steps to get an answer:

1. Open a web browser or a search engine like Google.
2. Type in the search query "mouse that eats grass" and hit enter.
3. Look for informative and credible sources in the search results, such as scientific websites, nature journals, or animal-related publications.
4. Click on the relevant link that provides the information you are looking for.
5. Scan through the content or article to find the specific name of the mouse that eats grass.

Generally, the term "mouse" is used to refer to small rodents known for nibbling on various food sources. However, if you are referring to a specific species of mouse that primarily feeds on grass, one example is the Meadow Vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus). Meadow voles are small mammals found in grassy habitats and consume grass as a significant part of their diet.

Field mouse
