The manufacture of one of the following artificial fibres contributes to deforestation this fibre is

To identify which artificial fiber contributes to deforestation, we can consider the manufacturing process of different fiber types. Deforestation is mainly linked to the sourcing of raw materials required for fiber production. One significant factor that contributes to deforestation is the cultivation of trees or deforestation itself for obtaining cellulose, a common component in many artificial fibers.

Among the various artificial fibers, rayon and viscose are known to have a significant impact on deforestation. Rayon and viscose are made from wood pulp, which is derived from trees such as beech, birch, or eucalyptus. The extraction and processing of wood pulp for these fibers can sometimes lead to deforestation if not managed sustainably.

To determine which specific artificial fiber contributes to deforestation, it would be crucial to consider the source of wood pulp used in the manufacturing process. Some companies or manufacturers may implement sustainable practices and obtain the wood pulp from sustainably managed forests, while others may not.

For accurate information on which particular artificial fiber contributes to deforestation, it is recommended to research the sourcing and manufacturing practices of specific fiber brands or contact the manufacturers directly. Additionally, environmental and sustainability organizations or certifications can provide insights into which fibers are more environmentally friendly.

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4. Acrylic