A census is defined as which of the following?

A. A collection of data

B. A survey conducted with a small group

C. A bureau of research specialists

D. A count of a particular population

B. I did my studying and it sows survey but I am hesitant of the choice since its saying small group when survey is of full information i read upon.

You're right; it's not B.

Check out this Google search.


To determine the correct answer to this question, we can break down the options and analyze them:

A. A collection of data: This option is partially correct since a census does involve collecting data, but it doesn't capture the full meaning of a census.

B. A survey conducted with a small group: Although this option mentions a survey, it is incorrect to say that a census is conducted with a small group. A census aims to collect data from an entire population, not just a small subset.

C. A bureau of research specialists: This option is incorrect. A census is not a specific bureau or organization; it is a process or activity carried out by governments or other entities.

D. A count of a particular population: This option is the correct definition of a census. A census involves counting and gathering information from an entire population, providing comprehensive data on various demographic and socioeconomic characteristics.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. A count of a particular population. It is essential to carefully analyze the options and understand the specific meaning of terms to arrive at the correct answer.