Is the NO3- single bond length shorter than NO2H single bond length? Based on Lewis structure of it.

To determine the bond length, we need to first understand the concept of bond length. The bond length is the average distance between the nuclei of two bonded atoms in a molecule.

In the case of NO3-, the Lewis structure consists of a central nitrogen atom bonded to three oxygen atoms by a single bond. The Lewis structure for NO3- can be represented as:


O - N - O


On the other hand, NO2H contains a central nitrogen atom bonded to two oxygen atoms by a double bond and a hydrogen atom by a single bond. The Lewis structure for NO2H can be represented as:


H - N = O


The bond length is influenced by factors such as bond strength or bond order, where a single bond is weaker and longer than a double bond.

In this case, NO3- has three single bonds between the nitrogen and oxygen atoms, while NO2H has two single bonds and one double bond between the nitrogen and oxygen atoms.

Since a double bond is stronger and shorter than a single bond, we can conclude that the NO2H single bond length is shorter than the NO3- single bond length based on their respective Lewis structures.