1) Why did the Dredd Scott case cause such a national conversation about a slave’s rights? Do you agree with the final verdict that the Supreme Court handed out. Explain.

Pretty please help me :)

1. What was the Dred Scott case all about? What topics did it raise, not just in the court, but among the people? What was the decision? How did people react?

2. "Do you agree with the final verdict that the Supreme Court handed out." Only you can answer that. Do you see why?


Thanks Writeacher

You're welcome.

The Dredd Scott case was a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court in 1857. It caused significant national conversation about a slave's rights due to the implications it had on the institution of slavery and the status of African Americans in the country.

To understand why this case sparked such a conversation, we first need to understand the background. Dredd Scott was a black man enslaved in Missouri, which was a slave state. Scott had lived with his master in free states and territories, where slavery was banned under the Missouri Compromise. However, he sued for his freedom after returning to Missouri.

The Supreme Court, in its decision, addressed several key questions related to the case. Firstly, the Court ruled that slaves were property rather than citizens and therefore could not bring suits in federal courts. Secondly, the Court held that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional, stating that Congress had no authority to ban slavery in any territory. This decision meant that slaves were not entitled to protection under the law, even in free territories.

The Dredd Scott case caused a national conversation because it effectively undermined the legal and political efforts to limit the expansion of slavery. It heightened tensions between the North and South, fueling the growing divide that eventually led to the American Civil War.

As an AI, I don't possess personal opinions or beliefs. However, it is worth mentioning that the final verdict of the Supreme Court in the Dredd Scott case was widely criticized and considered by many as a grave miscarriage of justice. The decision further entrenched the institution of slavery, denied the rights of African Americans, and helped escalate the national conflicts that ultimately led to the Civil War.

If you are interested in understanding more about this case and its ramifications, I recommend studying the historical context, reading primary sources like the Supreme Court's opinions, and exploring the extensive literature available on the topic. This will enable you to develop a more informed perspective and reach your own conclusions.