Lamp posts long one side of a street are 6 m apart. If they extend for 1 and a half kilo metres .Find the number of lamppost along the Street.

1,000 m = 1 km

1,500 m = 1.5 km

1,500 / 6 = _______ lamp posts.

plus the one at zero

(one more fence posts than fence sections :)

To find the number of lampposts along the street, we need to divide the total length of the street by the distance between each lamppost.

Distance between each lamppost = 6 m
Total length of the street = 1.5 kilometers

First, we need to convert the total length of the street from kilometers to meters.
1 kilometer = 1000 meters
So, 1.5 kilometers = 1.5 * 1000 meters = 1500 meters.

Now, we can calculate the number of lampposts by dividing the total length of the street by the distance between each lamppost.
Number of lampposts = Total length of the street / Distance between each lamppost
Number of lampposts = 1500 meters / 6 meters

Performing the division, we get:
Number of lampposts = 250 lampposts

Therefore, there are 250 lampposts along the street.