How did OPEC’s oil embargo directly affect Washington?

A.It caused fuel shortages
B.It caused many oil workers to find other jobs.
C.It led to a steep drop in gas prices.
D.It led to the closing of local drilling operations.

How did it directly i am having trouble figuring it out.

To determine how OPEC's oil embargo directly affected Washington, we need to consider the events and consequences of the embargo. OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) imposed an oil embargo in 1973 as a response to Western support for Israel during the Yom Kippur War.

To answer this question, we can eliminate options C and D since the embargo did not lead to a drop in gas prices or the closing of local drilling operations. Now, let's consider the remaining options:

A. It caused fuel shortages: The oil embargo did indeed cause fuel shortages. OPEC's decision to restrict oil exports to certain countries, including the United States, led to a scarcity of oil supply. As a result, there were long lines at gas stations and rationing of fuel in Washington and other parts of the country.

B. It caused many oil workers to find other jobs: While the oil embargo did disrupt the oil industry and reduce production, leading to job losses, this option is not specifically mentioned in the question. Therefore, we cannot directly conclude that many oil workers in Washington found other jobs solely because of the oil embargo.

Based on the information presented, option A, "It caused fuel shortages," is the most accurate answer to how OPEC's oil embargo directly affected Washington.