Graph the following set on a number line : {x|≤----1

----1 = 1

draw the number line
place a closed circle (dot) at 1
shade to the left

To graph the set {x | x ≤ -1} on a number line, you need to plot all the values of x that are less than or equal to -1.

Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Start by drawing a horizontal line. This will be your number line.

2. Mark a point at -1 on the number line. This point represents the value that x should be less than or equal to.

3. Shade the region to the left of -1. This region includes all the values that are less than or equal to -1.

4. Indicate that the shading includes -1 by making a solid dot on -1. This shows that -1 is part of the set.

After following these steps, your number line will have a shaded region to the left of -1, indicating all the values that satisfy the condition x ≤ -1.