The cost T, in hundreds of dollars, of tuition and fees at many community colleges can be approximately T=1/2 c+3, where c is the number of credits for which a student registered.

To determine the cost of tuition and fees at community colleges, you can use the formula: T = (1/2)c + 3.

Step 1: Start with the given formula T = (1/2)c + 3, where T represents the cost of tuition and fees, and c represents the number of credits a student registered for.

Step 2: Multiply the number of credits (c) by 1/2. This will give you half the value of the credits.

Step 3: Add 3 to the result obtained in step 2. This accounts for the additional cost beyond the per-credit fee.

Step 4: The final result obtained in step 3 will give you the cost of tuition and fees (T) in the hundreds of dollars.

To determine the cost of tuition and fees at many community colleges, you can use the equation T = (1/2)c + 3, where T represents the cost in hundreds of dollars and c represents the number of credits for which a student is registered.

Let's break down the equation:

1. The coefficient 1/2 in front of c means that the cost per credit is half of the total cost. So, if a student registers for 10 credits, the cost per credit would be (1/2) * 10 = 5.

2. The term "+3" in the equation represents an additional fixed cost. This fixed cost is added to the variable cost based on the number of credits registered. In our example, regardless of the number of credits, there is a fixed cost of 3.

3. The final result is in hundreds of dollars. So, if you get a result of 10, it actually means 1000 dollars (10 x 100).

To find the cost for a specific number of credits, substitute the value of c into the equation. For example, if a student registers for 8 credits, substitute c = 8 into the equation:
T = (1/2) * 8 + 3 = 4 + 3 = 7.

Therefore, the cost of tuition and fees for 8 credits is 7 hundred dollars (or $700).

You can use this equation for any number of credits to calculate the cost of tuition and fees at many community colleges.