Find the sum of 8x cube y +2xy cube -18and -12x cube y +7xy cube and subtract it from the sum of 19x cube y -17xy cube +12and -21+5xy cube .? PLEASE SOLVE IT ?????

It is customary to write cube as ^3, i.e. write x³y as x^3y and

xy³ as xy^3.

The problem is then
19x^3y-17xy^3-21+5xy^3-[8x^3y+2xy^3-18 - 12x^3y+7xy^3]

Remove brackets:
Group like terms and add:

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Find the sum of 8x^3y + 2xy^3 - 18 and -12x^3y + 7xy^3:
To find the sum of two expressions, simply combine the like terms. In this case, the like terms are the ones that have the same variables and exponents. So, let's combine the terms:

8x^3y + (-12x^3y) = (8 - 12)x^3y = -4x^3y
2xy^3 + 7xy^3 = (2 + 7)xy^3 = 9xy^3

Therefore, the sum of 8x^3y + 2xy^3 - 18 and -12x^3y + 7xy^3 is -4x^3y + 9xy^3 - 18.

Step 2: Find the sum of 19x^3y - 17xy^3 + 12 and -21 + 5xy^3:
Again, let's combine the like terms:

19x^3y + (-21x^3y) = (19 - 21)x^3y = -2x^3y
-17xy^3 + 5xy^3 = (-17 + 5)xy^3 = -12xy^3

Therefore, the sum of 19x^3y - 17xy^3 + 12 and -21 + 5xy^3 is -2x^3y - 12xy^3 + 12.

Step 3: Subtract the second sum from the first sum:
To subtract an expression, we change the sign of each term in the second expression, and then combine like terms again:

-4x^3y + 9xy^3 - 18 - (-2x^3y - 12xy^3 + 12)

When we distribute the negative sign to each term in the second expression, it becomes:

-4x^3y + 9xy^3 - 18 + 2x^3y + 12xy^3 - 12

Now, we can combine like terms:

(-4x^3y + 2x^3y) + (9xy^3 + 12xy^3) + (-18 - 12)

-2x^3y + 21xy^3 - 30

Therefore, the result of subtracting the second sum from the first sum is -2x^3y + 21xy^3 - 30.