1. In the expression -9x - 2 x^2 + 7 what is the coefficient of x?

a. -9*
b. -2
c. 7
d. 9

2. (m^2 - m - 3) + (m - 4) :add or subtract
a. m^2 + m - 1
b. m^2 + 2m - 7
c. m^2 - 7
d. m^2 - 1*

#1 ok

#2 not so much
what is -3-4 ?

Would 2 be c?

1. To find the coefficient of x in the expression -9x - 2x^2 + 7, we need to identify the term that contains x and look at the number in front of it. In this case, the term -9x has a coefficient of -9, so the answer is option a. -9.

2. To simplify the expression (m^2 - m - 3) + (m - 4), we can start by removing the parentheses and combining like terms.
The first set of parentheses contains the terms m^2, -m, and -3.
The second set of parentheses contains the terms m and -4.
When we combine the terms, we get m^2 - m - 3 + m - 4.
Next, we simplify further by combining the like terms -m and +m, which cancels each other out.
This leaves us with m^2 - 3 - 4.
Finally, we simplify the constants by combining -3 and -4, which gives us -7.
So, the simplified expression is m^2 - 7, which corresponds to option c. m^2 - 7.

Yes, 2 C.