The members of a team can run 500 meters between 57 seconds and 73 seconds.

A. Write an absolute value inequality describing the times for the runners.

One way:

Another way:

Above is assuming the literal meaning of "between".
Use ≤ if "inclusive between" is used.

Sorry, above reply is meant to be for Anonymous, not Emma.

To write an absolute value inequality describing the times for the runners, we need to find the range of acceptable times.

The team members can run between 57 seconds and 73 seconds. To find the range, we take the absolute value of the difference between each time and the midpoint between these two numbers.

The midpoint is calculated by adding the two numbers and dividing by 2: (57 + 73) / 2 = 65.

So, the absolute value inequality can be written as:

|t - 65| ≤ d

where t represents the time in seconds, and d represents the maximum difference from the midpoint of 65.