Construct kite ABCD with adjacent sides AB egual to 6cm and BC egual to 9cm.BAC=60cm

how can angle BAC be measured in cm?

To construct kite ABCD with adjacent sides AB equal to 6cm and BC equal to 9cm, and angle BAC equal to 60 degrees, we can follow these steps:

1. Draw a straight line segment AB with a length of 6cm. This will be one of the adjacent sides of the kite.

2. From point A, use a protractor to measure an angle of 60 degrees in the clockwise direction. Mark the point where the angle measurement intersects the line segment AB, and label it as point C.

3. From point C, use a ruler to draw a line segment CD perpendicular to AB. The length of the line segment CD is equal to side BC, which is 9cm.

4. To complete the construction of the kite, draw a line segment AD connecting points A and D.

Now you have constructed kite ABCD with adjacent sides AB equal to 6cm and BC equal to 9cm, and angle BAC equal to 60 degrees.