At first, a price was decreased by 12%, then it was discounted again by an additional 5%. What is the total percent of the discount?


after first discount, price = .88

after another 5%, price = .88(.95) = ...

change that to a percent , then subtract from 100%

To find the total percent of the discount, we need to calculate the equivalent single discount rate achieved by applying the two sequential discounts.

First, we'll consider the first discount of 12%. To calculate the new price after this discount, we subtract 12% of the original price from the original price:

New price = Original price - (12% * Original price)

Now, let's apply the second discount of 5% to the new price we just obtained. To calculate the final price after this second discount, we subtract 5% of the new price from the new price:

Final price = New price - (5% * New price)

To calculate the total percent of the discount, we need to find the difference between the original price and the final price, and express it as a percentage of the original price:

Total percent discount = ((Original price - Final price) / Original price) * 100%
= ((Original price - (New price - (5% * New price))) / Original price) * 100%

Now, let's substitute the expressions for "New price" and "Final price" into the formula:

Total percent discount = ((Original price - (Original price - (12% * Original price) - (5% * (Original price - (12% * Original price))))) / Original price) * 100%

Simplifying and calculating the expression, we get the total percent discount.