A square field has a side of 50 meters.How many times must an athlete jog around this field to cover a distance of 3 kilometers?

Area = S x S = 50 × 50 =2500 meters .... I'm stuck

why worry about the area? You are interested in the perimeter.

One lap around the field covers 4*50 = 200 meters.

Now, how many laps in 3000 meters?

You figured the area. The athlete runs the perimeter = 50 * 4 = 200

Kilometer = 1000 meters.

(3*1000)/200 = ?

To solve this problem, we need to convert the given distance of 3 kilometers into meters.

There are 1,000 meters in 1 kilometer. Therefore, to convert 3 kilometers into meters, we multiply 3 by 1,000:

3 kilometers = 3,000 meters

Now that we have the distance in meters, we can determine how many times the athlete needs to jog around the square field to cover this distance.

The perimeter of a square is calculated by multiplying the length of one side by 4. In this case, the length of one side is 50 meters. Hence, the perimeter of the square field is:

Perimeter = 50 meters x 4 = 200 meters

Since the athlete is jogging around the field, the total distance they will run by jogging once around the field is equal to the perimeter of the field.

Now, we can divide the total distance the athlete needs to cover (3,000 meters) by the distance covered in one lap of the field (200 meters) to find out how many laps the athlete needs to jog:

Number of laps = Total distance to cover / Distance covered in one lap

Number of laps = 3,000 meters / 200 meters

Number of laps = 15 laps

Therefore, the athlete must jog around the square field 15 times to cover a distance of 3 kilometers.