When limiting factors ________, diversity in populations _________.

a. decrease; decreases
b. increase; increases
c. increase; decreases
d. increase; stay the same

i think it is a


would it be c?

Yes, c.

c. increase; decreases

To understand why this is the correct answer, we need to understand what limiting factors and population diversity are.

Limiting factors are factors in an environment that restrict the growth, abundance, or distribution of organisms in a population. These factors can include things like food availability, water availability, space, competition, predation, disease, and environmental conditions, among others.

Population diversity refers to the variety of different genetic traits and characteristics within a population. A diverse population has a wide range of genetic variation, which can help it adapt to changing environmental conditions and increase its chances of survival.

When limiting factors increase in an environment, they place additional pressures and constraints on the population. This can lead to a decrease in population diversity. Various limiting factors can reduce the size of a population, drive certain traits to become more favorable, and limit the possibility for new genetic variations to emerge. As a result, the overall diversity of the population decreases.

Therefore, when limiting factors increase, diversity in populations decreases, which aligns with option c. increase; decreases.