If 1/3 of the liquid contents of a can evaporates on the first day and 3/4 of the reaminder evaporates on the second day, the fractional part of the original contents remaining at the close of the second day.......?

just like the goldfish problem. What do you think?

I have same opinion as you have told.

I have worked on it and answer is -1/12.please tell me what sense gives answer.

clearly a negative answer makes no sense. How did you arrive at your result?

I have worked again for this problem .please check this.

1-1/3-3/4 (2/3)=1/6.
I think this is correct. Please check it.

To find the fractional part of the original contents remaining at the close of the second day, we need to calculate the amount of liquid that evaporates on each day and subtract it from the original contents each time.

Let's start with the original contents of the can, which we'll represent as 1 whole can or `1/1`.

On the first day, 1/3 of the liquid evaporates. To calculate the remaining liquid, we subtract 1/3 from 1/1:

1/1 - 1/3 = 3/3 - 1/3 = 2/3

So, at the end of the first day, 2/3 of the original contents remain.

On the second day, 3/4 of the remaining 2/3 evaporates. To calculate the remaining liquid, we multiply 3/4 by 2/3:

(3/4) * (2/3) = 6/12 = 1/2

So, at the end of the second day, 1/2 of the original contents remain.

Therefore, the fractional part of the original contents remaining at the close of the second day is 1/2.