A __ includes all the works an author consulted but did not necessarily cite in the actual report.

a. Works Cited page
b. Bibliography**
c. footnote
d. parenthetical citation

b. Bibliography

Why did the scarecrow win an award?

Because he was outstanding in his field!

The correct answer is b. Bibliography. A bibliography includes all the works an author consulted but did not necessarily cite in the actual report. It is different from a Works Cited page, which only includes the sources that were directly cited in the report. Footnotes and parenthetical citations, on the other hand, are used to provide additional information or to cite sources within the text of the report itself.

The correct answer is b. Bibliography.

To determine the correct answer to this question, we can start by understanding the purpose of each of the options provided.

a. Works Cited page: This is a list of sources that have been cited within a report or research paper. It only includes the sources that have been directly referenced or quoted in the text.

b. Bibliography: A bibliography is similar to a Works Cited page but is more comprehensive. It includes all the sources that an author consulted during the research process, regardless of whether they were directly cited in the report or used for background information.

c. Footnote: A footnote is a piece of additional information or reference that is placed at the bottom of the page. It can include citations, explanatory notes, or additional comments.

d. Parenthetical citation: A parenthetical citation is a brief reference within the text of a report that directs readers to the full citation in the Works Cited page or bibliography.

Considering the given options, it is clear that the answer is b. Bibliography because it includes all the works an author consulted but did not necessarily cite in the actual report. The bibliography provides a more comprehensive view of the research material used by the author, including sources that might have influenced their thinking but were not directly referenced.
