One lap around a track is one-eighth of a mile. A horse ran a distance of 11 laps in 3 minutes and 30 seconds. What was the horse's average speed in miles per minute?

9 laps = 9(1/8) or 9/8 miles

speed = (9/8) / 2.5 minutes
= 1.125/2.5 mpm
= .45 miles/min

Young Trippy -- please correct your typo.

(11(1/8)mi)/(3 1/2 min) = (11/8)/(7/2) = 11/8 * 2/7 = 11/28 mi/min


To find the horse's average speed in miles per minute, we need to determine the total distance covered by the horse and divide it by the total time taken.

Given that one lap around the track is one-eighth of a mile, and the horse ran a distance of 11 laps, we can calculate the total distance covered.

Total distance covered = Number of laps * Distance per lap
Total distance covered = 11 * 1/8 mile

To convert the time taken to minutes, we need to consider 3 minutes and 30 seconds. Since there are 60 seconds in a minute, we can convert the seconds to minutes.

Total time taken in minutes = Number of minutes + (Number of seconds / 60)
Total time taken in minutes = 3 + (30 / 60) minutes

Now, we have the total distance covered and the total time taken. To find the horse's average speed, we will divide the total distance by the total time.

Average speed = Total distance covered / Total time taken

Substituting the values we calculated earlier:

Average speed = (11 * 1/8) mile / (3 + (30 / 60)) minutes

Simplifying the equation:

Average speed = (11/8) mile / (3.5) minutes

Finally, we can solve the equation to find the horse's average speed:

Average speed = 3.142 miles per minute (rounded to three decimal places).

Therefore, the horse's average speed is approximately 3.142 miles per minute.