Find, in term of pie , the curved surface area of a with circular base diameter 10cm and height 12cm

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To find the curved surface area of a cylinder, you need to calculate the circumference of the circular base and multiply it by the height of the cylinder. In this case, the diameter of the circular base is given as 10 cm, so the radius (r) would be half of that, which is 5 cm.

The formula for the circumference of a circle is C = 2πr, where C is the circumference and r is the radius. By substituting the value of the radius into the formula, you get C = 2π(5) = 10π cm.

Therefore, the curved surface area (CSA) of the cylinder can be calculated by multiplying the circumference by the height, which gives CSA = 10π cm × 12 cm.

The curved surface area of the cylinder is thus 120π cm².


Surface area of "what" ???

The formulae for such areas should be found in your text or class-room notes

and that's pi, not pie!