I need help finding three more Nonfiction signposts from the book called " bird by bird " by Anne Lamott.

I don't know what you mean by "signposts". I haven't read your text to find out what they mean. The book is non-fiction. I have not read it, either. Does Ms. Lamott discuss "signposts"? I'm afraid we can't help you.

lmao one signpost could be absolute language

To find three more nonfiction signposts in the book "Bird by Bird" by Anne Lamott, here's what you can do:

1. Read the book thoroughly: Start by reading "Bird by Bird" from cover to cover. Take notes as you read, paying attention to any patterns, recurring themes, or moments that stand out as key points in the author's argument or narrative.

2. Understand the concept of nonfiction signposts: Nonfiction signposts are textual clues that help readers identify important information, understand the author's purpose, and make meaning from the text. These signposts can include anecdotes, statistics, quotations, or any other element that stands out as significant or essential to the author's argument or story.

3. Look for patterns or recurring elements: As you read "Bird by Bird," look for any patterns or recurring phrases, ideas, or themes that the author emphasizes. These may serve as nonfiction signposts, highlighting the author's main points or themes.

4. Identify author's purpose and main points: Consider the author's purpose in writing the book. Is it to inform, persuade, entertain, or a combination of these? Look for explicit or implied main points that the author is conveying to the readers.

5. Analyze the structure and organization: Pay attention to the structure and organization of the book. Look for chapter titles, headings, and subheadings that may serve as signposts, guiding readers through the content.

6. Consult reputable sources: If you're having trouble identifying specific nonfiction signposts, consider consulting reputable book reviews, literary analyses, or discussions about "Bird by Bird." These sources may provide insights into the book's structure and important elements to look out for.

By following these steps and actively engaging with the text, you should be able to identify three more nonfiction signposts in "Bird by Bird" by Anne Lamott.