2. Compared to southern Mexico, Northern Mexico

.Has a drier climate with less ----yearly rainfall

.has fewer temperature changes during the year

. suffer from more hurricanes during summer and fall

.Has higher population

I'll be glad to check your answer.

To compare the differences between Southern Mexico and Northern Mexico in terms of their climate, rainfall, temperature changes, hurricane frequency, and population, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the geography and climatic zones of Mexico: Begin by gaining a general understanding of Mexico's climate and how it varies across different regions. This will provide you with a foundation to understand the differences between Southern and Northern Mexico.

2. Analyze rainfall patterns: Look for data or reports on the annual rainfall in Southern Mexico and Northern Mexico separately. Compare the rainfall amounts to determine which region receives less yearly rainfall. This will help you identify which region has a drier climate.

3. Check temperature variations: Investigate the temperature fluctuations throughout the year in both Southern and Northern Mexico. Look for temperature data from different seasons to assess if there are significant differences between the two regions in terms of temperature changes. This will allow you to determine which region experiences fewer temperature variations.

4. Examine hurricane patterns: Research historical hurricane records for both Southern and Northern Mexico. Explore the frequency and intensity of hurricanes in each region during the summer and fall seasons. By comparing the hurricane occurrences, you can identify which region is more prone to hurricanes.

5. Compare population data: Obtain population statistics for both Southern and Northern Mexico. Analyze the population numbers to determine which region has a higher population.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research on Mexico's climate, rainfall, temperature changes, hurricane patterns, and population, you will be able to compare and contrast the characteristics of Southern and Northern Mexico accurately.