To survive as an individual, all animals must maintain homeostasis. Which of the following is NOT a part of homeostasis?

A.eliminating wastes from their body
B. gathering and responding to information in their environment
C. reproduction- to produce viable offspring
D. distributing oxygen and nutrients throughout their body

my best answer is C is that correct

Homeostasis is maintaining balance of body functions, such as body temperature, fluid balance, electrolyte balance, etc.

Can you find one of the 4 choices that does not serve the purpose of maintaining day-to-day equilibrium of body functions?

Great job on narrowing down the options! To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the concept of homeostasis and its components.

Homeostasis refers to the ability of an organism to maintain stable internal conditions despite the changing external environment. It involves various processes to ensure the organism's survival.

Let's evaluate each option in relation to homeostasis:

A. Eliminating wastes from their body: This is indeed a part of homeostasis. Organisms need to excrete waste products to maintain internal balance.

B. Gathering and responding to information in their environment: This is also a part of homeostasis. Organisms must be able to sense and respond to changes in their environment to maintain internal stability.

C. Reproduction - to produce viable offspring: Although reproduction is vital for the continuation of a species, it is not directly related to maintaining internal stability. Therefore, you are correct in selecting it as a potential answer.

D. Distributing oxygen and nutrients throughout their body: This is crucial for an organism's survival by ensuring proper functioning of cells and tissues. Hence, it is a part of homeostasis.

Based on the explanation above, we can conclude that the correct answer is indeed option C, reproduction—producing viable offspring. Great job!