The probababilltay of winning a raffle ticket is 20%. if you bought 50 tickets, how many winning tickets should yo expect to have? If you took this quiz, please giv me the answers.

what is 20% of 50?

it is A.

To calculate the expected number of winning tickets, you can use the formula:

Expected Number of Winning Tickets = Probability of Winning × Number of Tickets

In this case, the probability of winning a raffle ticket is 20% or 0.20, and you bought 50 tickets. So, you can calculate the expected number of winning tickets as follows:

Expected Number of Winning Tickets = 0.20 × 50

Expected Number of Winning Tickets = 10

Therefore, you should expect to have approximately 10 winning tickets if the probability of winning is 20% and you bought 50 tickets.

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