Use a translation rule to describe the translation o P that is 4 units to the left and 8 units down

(x,y) -> (x-4,y-8)

To describe the translation of point P that is 4 units to the left and 8 units down, we can use the following translation rule:

T(x, y) = (x - 4, y - 8)

This translation rule states that the new x-coordinate of the translated point (denoted by T(x, y)) is obtained by subtracting 4 from the original x-coordinate, and the new y-coordinate is obtained by subtracting 8 from the original y-coordinate.

To describe the translation of a point P that is 4 units to the left and 8 units down, you can use the following translation rule:

(x, y) → (x - 4, y - 8)

In this rule, (x, y) represents the original coordinates of the point P. To perform the translation, you subtract 4 from the original x-coordinate (to move it 4 units to the left) and subtract 8 from the original y-coordinate (to move it 8 units down).