673 rounded by nearest hundred

Well is it closer to 600 or to 700?

673= 6 is in hundreds place

73 is nearer to 70
673 is nearer to 600
We can round off 673 as 600

To round 673 to the nearest hundred, we need to determine whether it is closer to 600 or 700.

To do this, we look at the tens digit. Since the tens digit is 7, which is greater than or equal to 5, we round up.

Therefore, 673 rounded to the nearest hundred is 700.

To round 673 to the nearest hundred, you'll need to determine if it's closer to 600 or 700. Here's how you can do it:

1. Look at the tens digit: In this case, the tens digit is 7. Since 7 is equal to or greater than 5, the number is closer to 700.

2. Now, keep the hundreds digit and replace all the other digits with zeros. This means keeping the 7 as it is and replacing the tens and units digits with zeros. So, 673 becomes 700.

Therefore, 673 rounded to the nearest hundred is 700.