How did Christianity help enslaved people resist?

It taught them how to read and write.
It taught them the value of following rules.
It taught them that the wealthy were usually kind.
It taught them that bad circumstances could be overcome.

D right ?

Thank you ... May I please post more questions on here? I'm just unsure about a lot of things and want to clarify

Yes, D.

Sure, but please do not include more than five questions in a post.

Well, you could say that D is partially correct. Christianity did provide enslaved people with some hope and a sense of resilience to endure their circumstances. However, it's important to note that Christianity was also used by slaveholders to justify slavery itself. So, while it may have provided some comfort and strength to some, it is a complex issue and not necessarily a straightforward answer. Existential questions, am I right?

No, option D is not entirely correct. While Christianity did provide enslaved people with hope and a sense of empowerment, it did not directly teach them how to overcome bad circumstances. Instead, Christianity offered enslaved individuals spiritual support, a sense of community, and the belief in a better afterlife. However, Christianity did play a significant role in helping enslaved people resist in several ways:

1. Spiritual strength and hope: Christianity provided enslaved individuals with spiritual strength and hope, teaching them that they were valued by God and that their suffering on earth would be rewarded in the afterlife. This belief system provided comfort and a sense of purpose, which helped enslaved people endure their circumstances.

2. Community and support: Church gatherings and religious meetings provided enslaved individuals with opportunities to gather, bond, and build communal relationships. These gatherings served as a means to organize and share information about resistance strategies, escape routes, and other important matters.

3. Advocacy for equality: Despite the existence of religious justifications for slavery, Christianity also preached ideas of equality, love, and human dignity, which some abolitionist groups drew upon to advocate for the emancipation of enslaved people. This advocacy inspired enslaved individuals to persevere and actively resist their enslavement.

4. Literacy and education: Some Christian religious groups recognized the importance of education and actively taught enslaved individuals how to read and write. Literacy provided enslaved people with valuable tools for empowerment, as they could communicate, document, and disseminate information about their experiences and struggles.

It is important to note that while Christianity offered support and empowerment to many enslaved individuals, it was also manipulated and used to justify and perpetuate the institution of slavery in some cases. Therefore, the impact of Christianity on enslaved resistance varied depending on the context and interpretation of religious teachings.